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 - Multi-lingual European pharmacy, European board-certified physicians.
 - Ships solely from European Union Countries; all medication are registered and licensed in Europe.

A brand of Haldol labelled as Aloperidin, Haldol Decanoas produced by Beragena and Aca Müller/Adag Pharma, Haldol Decanoat by Janssen-Cilag, Haloperidol produced by Ratiopharm, Esteve, Hexal, Neuraxpharm, and 1 A Pharma, and Haloperidol-Gry by Teva are at Goldpharma

Aloperidin1 mg30 tablets$1.52Order
Aloperidin2 mg30 tablets$1.83Order
Aloperidin5 mg5 solution$2.96Order
Aloperidin5 mg20 tablets$2.07Order
Aloperidin10 mg20 tablets$4.38Order
Aloperidin20 mg20 tablets$5.32Order
Aloperidin50 mg1 solution$3.54Order
Aloperidin150 mg1 solution$5.78Order
Aloperidin Sol. Fl2 mg1 solution$1.60Order
Aloperidin Sol. Fl10 mg1 solution$2.98Order
Haldol Decanoas50 mg1x1ml ampoules/phials$26.94Order
Haldol Decanoas50 mg5x1ml ampoules/phials$72.22Order
Haldol Decanoas150 mg1x3ml ampoules/phials$49.22Order
Haldol Decanoas150 mg3ml ampoules/phials$51.36Order
Haldol Decanoas150 mg5x3ml ampoules/phials$221.25Order
Haldol Decanoat500 mg1x10ml solution, injectable$177.29Order
Haloperidol1 mg100 tablets$22.99Order
Haloperidol2 mg15ml solution$7.35Order
Haloperidol2 mg50 tablets$22.99Order
Haloperidol2 mg100 tablets$25.43Order
Haloperidol4 mg20 tablets$22.90Order
Haloperidol4 mg50 tablets$26.22Order
Haloperidol4 mg100 tablets$31.50Order
Haloperidol5 mg5x1ml injection im$10.10Order
Haloperidol5 mg100 tablets$33.44Order
Haloperidol10 mg30 tablets$10.38Order
Haloperidol10 mg50 tablets$33.95Order
Haloperidol10 mg100 tablets$46.30Order
Haloperidol12 mg20 tablets$28.39Order
Haloperidol12 mg50 tablets$38.71Order
Haloperidol20 mg50 tablets$51.21Order
Haloperidol100 mg1ml solution, injectable$46.19Order
Haloperidol100 mg5x1ml solution, injectable$162.60Order
Haloperidol500 mg10ml solution, injectable$160.99Order
Haloperidol-Gry1 mg20 tablets$20.87Order
Haloperidol-Gry1 mg50 tablets$21.58Order
Haloperidol-Gry5 mg50 tablets$26.17Order

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